Get more out of reading Kit and Katomi: Into the Galaxy!

After reading the book, the following questions can be used for group discussion or as writing prompts.

1. How are Kit and Katomi different, and how are they alike? Can you find examples from the story to support your answers?

2. Katomi discovers a secret passage and makes the choice to explore it. If you found a hidden path, would you follow it? Why or why not? Think about a tough choice you made. Was the outcome what you expected?

3. Think of a time in the story when Kit and Katomi worked together to solve a problem. How did they do it? Think of a time you worked with a friend or family member to solve a problem. What did you do? Was it difficult, or was it easy to work together?

4. Dr. Felinstein tells Kit and Katomi that Purrsians need a new planet to live on. Imagine that you had to find a new planet to live on. What would you look for in a new planet?

5. Luvlokโ€™s home on Lulos reminds Katomi of her own home on Purrs. What makes a place feel like home to you? Is it possible to have more than one home?

6. Kit and Katomi experienced new and different technologies throughout the story. If you could create your own gadget, machine, or computer, what would it do? What technology do you already use? How would your life be different without it?

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